Number 1
It is 85 yards to the middle of the green. Better to hit short on this hole as overshooting will cause you to have to hit up and over the back of the greeen.

Number 2
This 90 yard hole crosses the drainage ditch that can be wet so try to avoid it as well as the creek that lies just beyond the green.

Number 3
This is the longest hole on the course at 130 yards. Number 3 also crosses the drainage ditch just off of the tee. If you hit long then you will have to hit up and over the hill on the back of the green.

Number 4
Number 4 is our second shortest hole at 80 yards which makes it a challenge after playing the longest hole on the course. Over hit this green and you could end up in the drainage ditch or in the creek beyond.

Number 5
This hole is 100 yards to the center of the green and is the only hole on the course where the green is not sloped towards the tee box. Hit short on this one and you will have to flop one up onto the green. It is better to over hit this hole.

Number 6
This 105 yard hole is the first one to hit over the creek that goes down the right side of the fairway and crosses just in front of the tee box. With trees lining both sides of this fairway and the OB area on the left side, this hole will force you to hit the ball straight.

Number 7
This is the shortest hole at 70 yards but one of the most difficult ones where you have to hit to an elevated green. With the creek to the immediate right, the trees on each side of the green, and a road just past the green this hole will test your shot accuracy.

Number 8
This 95 yard hole has a fairway that is lower than the tee box, slopes to the right towards the creek, and is bordered on the left side by trees and a road. It is best to try to hit just shy and to the left of the green to play the bounce onto the table.

Number 9
The last hole is 85 yards and has several areas that make it a challenge and a good way to end your round. About 25 yards from the tee you cross the creek, then you have to carry the drainage ditch. Accuracy is the key on this one too as the tee shot is flanked on the left and right sides by trees, and if you over hit the green you run the risk of hitting into the road.